In 2020, the collection of durable foods "The Magic Table" celebrated its 6th birthday. It is an encouragement for us that there are still people among us who are not indifferent to the fate of others and are willing to help. Thanks to donors, we were able to deliver 637 packages to households last year, which was more than 7 tons of durable food and drugstore goods. The number of households per month ranged from 50 to 57 and has an average of 76 adults and 70 children.
Last year was very specific due to the pandemic and negatively affected us at DOMA project and our activities. Donors had limited opportunities to bring us food in person; but many took the opportunity to support us financially, so we could buy the missing food to be able to continue in providing food to the needy.
We are very grateful that also last year several organizations, companies or schools (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools) decided to organize a collection of food and thus join the Magic Table. Their share accounted for up to 36 % of the food distributed. These were:
Cirkevná materská škola Gianny Berettovej Mollovej
Materská škola bl. Zdenky Schelingovej
Materská škola sv. Vincenta de Paul
Materská škola Švantnerova
Gymnázium Metodova
Piaristické gymnázium Jozefa Braneckého v Trenčíne
Spojená škola Svätej Rodiny
Stredná zdravotnícka škola Záhradnícka
Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa
Centrum rodiny Dúbravka
Finančná správa
Slovenská sporiteľňa
Studio moderna
We express to all our donors, whether anonymous or those known to us, our sincere THANK YOU!