„The Magic Table” collection was supported also by schools and organizations

„The Magic Table” collection of durable food celebrated its 5th birthday in November of this year. Thanks to generous donors our store house was never empty for long and we can still help with your aid to those who found themselves in need.

The collection is joined besides individual (and mostly anonymous) donors also by several kinderkartens, elementary and high schools, companies and organizations on a regular basis. In 2019 there were the following institutions:

Materská škola bl. Zdenky Schelingovej

Cirkevná materská škola Gianny Berettovej Mollovej

Materská škola sv. Vincenta de Paul

Materská škola Švantnerova

Základná škola Matky Alexie

Spojená škola sv. Františka z Assisi

Gymnázium Jána Papánka

Stredná zdravotnícka škola Záhradnícka

Základná škola Sokolíkova

Gymnázium Jura Hronca

Spojená škola Tilgnerova

Piaristické gymnázium Jozefa Braneckého v Trenčíne

Spojená škola Svätej Rodiny

Centrum rodiny Dúbravka


Finančná správa

Bratislavská arcidiecézna charita

Slovenská sporiteľňa

Slovenský Červený kríž

Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa

Grunt a. s.

IQVIA RDS Slovakia, s. r. o.

We would like to expres our sincere THANK YOU – not only on our behalf but also on behalf of our clients! Thank you that with your help we can help others.

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