Dear our friends and supporters!
Also in 2019, many volunteers helped us by giving their time, generous donors with financial contributions and durable food and many of you also by donating a share of your tax paid, for which we THANK you all.
Your contributions from the tax share have helped us to develop social work with people who, for various reasons, often through no fault of their own, have found themselves in need. The food aid covered by „The Magic Table“ is just the beginning of our aid. Our goal is not to offer ready-made solutions, but to support our clients in walking through the life, step by step. This requires long-term professional work, which begins with the personal acceptance of everyone who knocks on our door. So far, however, our capacity is limited, but thanks to you, we can help to more and more people in need. Your financial contributions were used mainly to pay the salary and contributions of a professional social worker who works full time for our clients. He is assisted in this by seven other social workers as volunteers. The number of households to which we deliver monthly food parcels was 58 in December last year, with 83 children living in them. Every month, volunteers take care of the packaging and delivery of donated food, and in 2019 they distributed a total of more than 7 tons of food and drugstore goods. Become a part of helping those who need it also by supporting us with your share of the tax paid.
If the activities of the non-profit organization Doma u Kapucínov have appealed to you, please support it by donating your share of the tax paid to the recipient, who is the founder of Doma u Kapucínov:
Name: Slovenská provincia rádu menších bratov kapucínov
Address: Župné nám. 10, 814 99 Bratislava
IČO: 00599107
Legal form: Účelové zariadenie cirkvi a náboženskej spoločnosti
Here you will find a filled in Statement on the remittance of the share of paid personal income tax (Statement).
Important dates for donating 2% (3%):
until 31 March 2020: Filing of tax returns by taxpayers who file a tax return (natural persons and legal entities that do not have a postponement of the deadline for filing a tax return) - in this case, the Statement is already part of the tax return.
by 30 April 2020: Sending Statements by employees for whom the employer performs annual tax settlement (the employee also sends a Tax Payment Confirmation in addition to the Statement).
Description of steps for employees:
1. By 17 February, ask your employer to make an annual settlement of income tax advances and to issue a Tax Payment Confirmation (Confirmation).
2. Fill in the Statement on the remittance of the share of paid personal income tax (Statement). Enter your name, birth number, residence and an amount corresponding to 2% (3%) of the tax paid.
3. If you worked for at least 40 hours as a volunteer in 2019, you have the opportunity to donate 3% of the tax - ask the organization for which you worked as a volunteer for confirmation of this work.
4. By 30 April at the latest, deliver the completed Statement together with the Employer's Confirmation and the confirmation of volunteering to the tax office according to your place of residence.