Already at the new place

During the long winter days, we managed to finish the work on our new premises. It was necessary to move out the old furniture and equipment, repaint all the walls, repair the electricity, thoroughly wash everything, clean the signs from the windows and put new opaque foils on them, lay carpets, move the furniture and equipment from the old office and buy what was needed. Several volunteers were helpful, for which we owe them a big thank you. Specifically: Braňo, Tomáš, Majka, Janka, Vilma, Peťo, Martin, Kika, Beátka, Alžbetka, Adam, Majo. But the biggest thanks goes to our enthusiastic director - brother Miroslav, who was the driving force behind the whole event and spent dozens of hours there.

We thus have a spacious office where a social worker (workers) will work, a smaller room for meetings with clients, a warehouse, a kitchen and sanitary facilities. The premises will also be used for meetings of volunteers, tutoring, various workshops and other activities. A big thank you goes especially to the Capuchin brothers who provided us with this space.

On Monday, April 25, 2022, thanks to this, we were able to meet at a nice celebration - the ceremonial opening and consecration of our new premises. Brother Norbert – Provincial of the Capuchins in Slovakia – consecrated the new office and Brother Miroslav thanked everyone who helped with the restoration of the premises. And we thanked him with at least a symbolic gift. In a good mood, we spent time with the brothers in dialogue or board games.

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