So far, seven clients have participated in our new "DuK Employment Support" project. More than half of them have already successfully found a job. With some, we continue on our way to finding a new job. However, unemployment is not the only problem that our clients encounter. Over time and while establishing a relationship we also together open topics such as debts, relationships or addictions, so we try to adapt the project to take into account the person’s life situation. Not everyone has the same length of the journey ahead, and we are glad that these seven people have embarked on it with us so far.
During the implementation of the project we also encountered obstacles that we perceive as challenges and we are still learning how to improve the project. We have found out that for the most of our clients the volunteering stage is not suitable in their current life situation. Many of them are on the verge of poverty and need to find the work as soon as possible. We can see that the received education was the biggest benefit for these clients, e.g. a resume writing, interview preparation, financial and computer literacy. However, for another part of the clients, for example disabled retirees, volunteering has become rewarding. They integrated into the local community at the Family Center in Dúbravka, made friends and continue to actively cooperate with the Center.