If you haven't donate your 2% of your tax paid this year, it's time to do so. The original deadline has been postponed due to the pandemics and the necessary forms must be sent by the end of November 2020 at the latest.
If the activities of the non-profit organization Doma u Kapucínov appeal to you, you can support us by donating your share of the tax paid to the recipient, who is the founder of Doma u Kapucínov:
Name: Slovenská provincia rádu menších bratov kapucínov
Address: Župné nám. 10, 814 99 Bratislava
IČO: 00599107
Legal form: Účelové zariadenie cirkvi a náboženskej spoločnosti
Here you will find a Statement on the remittance of the share of paid personal income tax (Statement).
The completed Statement together with the Confirmation of payment of tax from your employer must be delivered (by post or in person) to the Tax Office according to your permanent residence.
Volunteers who worked a minimum of 40 volunteer hours in 2019 can donate 3%.