„The Magic Table“ in 2021

Also in 2021 we continued to help the needy. One of the activities was once again "The Magic Table" - food aid, in which once a month our volunteers delivered a package of durable food and basic drugstore goods to households in order to lift the financial burden of a family or an individual. Last year we delivered a total of 711 packages, which represented 7746 kg of food and drugstore goods. In this way, we supported in average 61 children and 81 adults from 55 to 62 households per month.

This activity can only continue thanks to the willingness and generosity of the people who participated in the collection. They were anonymous donors who brought food to the Capuchin monastery but also several schools, companies and organizations:

Cirkevná materská škola Gianny Berettovej Mollovej, Bratislava
Materská škola bl. Zdenky Schelingovej, Bratislava
Materská škola sv. Vincenta de Paul, Bratislava
Gymnázium Jána Papánka, Bratislava
Gymnázium Matky Alexie, Bratislava
Gymnázium Metodova, Bratislava
Piaristické gymnázium Jozefa Braneckého, Trenčín
Spojená škola internátna, Hrdličkova, Bratislava
Spojená škola Novohradská, Bratislava
Spojená škola sv. Františka z Assisi, Bratislava
Spojená škola Svätej Rodiny, Bratislava
Základná škola Matky Alexie, Bratislava
Základná škola Nevädzová, Bratislava
Allianz – Slovenská poisťovňa, a. s., Bratislava
Centrum rodiny, n. o., Bazovského, Bratislava
Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potravinárska komora, Bratislava
Studio Moderna s. r. o., Bratislava

Heartfelt THANK YOU, because only with your help we can help others!

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